Golf has been a gentlemen’s game from a very long time, being labeled as a high-precision sport. Nonetheless, laser focus and attention to air dynamics have never been tested before. While there are a lot of things you can’t experience while playing the PGA Tour 2k21 but customizing the settings based on your needs – you can get pretty close to reality.
Also, it makes gameplay way more interesting for gamers like us. Talking about Golf games, you can’t simply ignore the fact that PGA Tour 2k21 is relatively easier than its predecessors – that’s why, most gamers find ways to make it more difficult, hence more realistic, especially in career mode and even if you play online.Tips to make PGA Tour 2k21 realistic
“If you’re one of those people who are looking for detailed information to make PGA Tour 2k21 more realistic, then I can bet that you will love this article. We will give you detailed steps in which you can make this game more engaging and challenging to play. It is not only the difficulty settings that you’re looking to change but other things as well. So, are you ready? Let’s get into it – make your career mode much better.”
- Swing Difficulty
Swing is one of the most essential golf gameplay parts where you get to experience the golf game. It has basically 3 parts;
- Timing
- Plane
- Power
It is important to understand the above-mentioned core elements of golf games.
Plane as you can guess by the word, is basically how straight you pull and push your gamepad stick. Timing however refers to the speed or quickness with which you pull or push. In other words, you could say backswing or downswing. Power is how far you pull your club at backswing. It could also mean how much you push while your downswing. These are very important for you to understand in order to absorb how the course designer has integrated it with the gameplay.
Point to ponder,
Nobody is perfect. If you think the Masters play flawlessly, then you are mistaken. This is the point where even the pros like Tiger Woods make some errors. Sometimes they don’t get their shot straight. Even at times, they don’t get the distance right. So realistically speaking you might want to change the swing difficulty from Pro to Master or if you’re up for it, you can do legend as well. Now, that you have understood the concept for each of the parts and how to manage the swing pro difficulty, let’s move on to the next tip.
- Swing Timing
Contrary to real life golf play, in the game there is either slow swing or there is a fast swing and both of these make the player itchy. A better option would be to simply turn it off although doing this would make the game easier for you – but do it for a better user experience. Also, there is an option for you to compensate for this and that is to set the swing difficulty to legendary difficulty.
- Distance Control Meter
No matter what you do, do not try it with off or even with percentage only, otherwise, you’ll hate yourself for it – the experience with either is horrible. You can’t simply make an estimate calculation to produce the right power. For instance, you can’t figure out the right power for the shot, simply by looking at how far your players backswing can stretch. For a better setting of Distance Control Meter, just change it to On.. Just like pro golfers have the right percentage in their muscle memory for shots because they know their golf club.
- Distance Control Assist
This tip deals with an essential option in the settings of golf games. If you turn it on, you won’t be able to go all the way up to 100% If it needs to 80% – going above won’t be possible. But similarly if this setting is off, you can go all the way to 100% and shoot how far you like – even if it means shooting way over the hole in the online play. To make PGA Tour 2k21 career mode more realistic, you’d have to turn this setting off.
- Putt Preview
It is when you get the green signal that the power you used is exactly what it should be to put it in the hole (if it is turned on). If it is turned off, then it would mean that you won’t get to realize the exact power you require to put it, instead you will have to rely on your instinct and play from experience. So, if you need to make PGA Tour 2k21 realistic, then we’d recommend you to turn the setting for it Off even for career mode.
- Course Yardage
While choosing these settings, make sure you do the changes according to your needs as well otherwise you mind up changing them for worse. The course yardage tells you about the length of the hole. If we look at it from the real life golf point of view, mostly the pros have a good idea about the courses they play. Now, there are 3 options that you can go about for Course Yardage i.e. On, Book Only & Off)
If you choose Off, it will make things very difficult for you in a difficult course. If you turn it on to Book Only, you will have to check the distance from the map and if you go with the option of keeping it On – then you will be able to see it right in front of you. So, for a realistic gameplay experience – it is recommended to keep the settings for Course Yardage On. It will help you understand the course designer’s mentality as well.
- Pro Vision Trajectory
This shows you blue lines in front of you which makes it easier for you to take your shot. While pro golfers in real life don’t need those blue lines but owing to their experience they can figure the best circumstances for their shot. From the 3 options i.e. On, Aim only & Off, it would be wise to go with Off for a realistic PGA Tour 2k21 experience. Aim Marker will also add to your skill levels.
- Scout Camera
The Scout Camera setting is out of the debate, meaning that it makes the game too easy for you – especially if you have Pro Vision Trajectory On as well. This option should be off without a doubt if you are looking to get a real-time experience on PGA Tour 2k21.
- Pro Vision
This makes it obvious that you’re going to get a good look of the elements that affect your shot. Pro golfers have a lot of experience so they know which elements are going to directly affect their shot. In the game, you would have to practice a lot before mastering this setting on Off. Hence, turning it Off or On really depends upon you – whether you want to practice playing without it or not make it too easy by turning it On.
- Lie Grid
You don’t need to worry about Lie Grid setting if you have turned the True Shot off. Since, you will be keeping it off for a more realistic experience – then you can let the Lie Grid stay Off.
- Green Grid
Green Grid is one of the most important feature/setting that you will be needing to experience the game in a realistic manner. You must have seen that pro golfers always take a look at the terrain. They can see the surface breaks as they are standing on the green themselves. But you can’t witness that from your game screen. That is why it would be better if you had Green Grid turned On.
- Pin Preference
The best thing to do with Pin Preference is to keep it on.
- Aim Maker
There are some settings that you cannot ignore even if you feel like you don’t need to turn it on – such as the Aim Master. Initially, you might feel like you don’t need it because the marker doesn’t help much but if you focus more, you’ll understand the information it provides about elevation. Just like real golfers while standing on the spot can see and judge elevation whether uphill or downhill, the same way you need to do it on the screen. This will only be possible if you turn the Aim Maker settings on PGA Tour.
- Wind Display
You’re not in the environment, you’re playing the game on a screen. Unlike real golfers, you cannot feel the wind on your skin. You turning on the settings on Wind Speed would be a realistic approach.
- Distance Display
There are two settings for this option i.e., Carry & Total. In real golf, golfers know their golf club quite well, we’d recommend that you keep the settings on Total.
So, to conclude, it is important to add that each player has his own favourites and style of playing. Much like how, in other games, players have certain preferences that don’t line up with their favourite modes in other games. What you might prefer in, for example, one casino game, such as slots, you might need something entirely different in another game. That is why many players are often on the lookout for the best casino bonuses for their preferred type of casino site and/or game type.
These settings might not work for each one of you out there but we bet if you try these settings for your gameplay, you’ll be as close to a realistic experience as it is possible while sitting in front of the screen. These will help in career mode and tournaments. One more tip for you to make PGA tour realistic is that don’t change opponent difficulty settings. It won’t do the job.
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