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Tying a Cinnamon Emerger Caddis by Davie McPhail ~ Fishingmegastore Blog

Today we are looking at the Cinammon Emerger Caddis, tied by Davie McPhail. A little about this fly, The Cinnamon Emerger Caddis is a great Emerger pattern for the Caddis hatch, but also a good allround pattern for stillwaters. Tied on small hooks, it imitates that of hatching Caddis, but larger hooks and trimming the the wing back a little more, it can imitate that of an egg laying Caddis.

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre as listed below, but as always, if you need any help finding materials or substitutes then we’ll be happy to help. Time to tie a Barney Google Midge Pupa Fly, with the guidance of Davie McPhail. 

Materials Used:
Additional materials: Additionally, Davie made use of Varnish, which he applied to the thread after completing the fly.

Davie’s preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!

The post Tying a Cinnamon Emerger Caddis by Davie McPhail ~ Fishingmegastore Blog appeared first on Sports News & Articles – Scores, Pictures, Videos - SportsNews8.com.

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